gyimesközéploki, setétpataki táncok, magyarpéterlaki zene [01:08:19]

A gyűjtés helye és ideje:
Eredeti hordozó:

instrumental music from Ghimeș Region – Zerkula János
dances from Ghimeș Region – informants from Lunca de Jos
dances from Niraj Region – Háromszék Dance Ensemble, infromants from Petrilaca de Mureș
band from Petrilaca de Mureș
songs from Sic – Fábián Melinda – Háromszék Dance Ensemble
danses from Sic – Háromszék Dance Ensemble
male dances from Călata Region – ”legényes”, ”verbunk”, Romanian ”legényes”
dances from Călata Region – Háromszék Dance Ensemble
songs sang together with the informants from Ghimeș Region
1. music from Ghimeș Region:
Zerkula János sings
dancers from Valea Întunecoasă
”keserves”, ”hejsza”-s, ”verbunk”, ”féloláhos”
”lassú magyaros” – togehter with Háromszék Dance Ensemble
”sebes magyaros”
2. dances from Niraj Region: – Háromszék Dance Ensemble, music by the band from Petrilaca de Mureș
3. music by the band from Petrilaca de Mureș
4. dances from Sic – Háromszék Dance Ensemble
5. melodies from Călata Region: – ”legényes” and ”csárdás”, ”szapora” by Háromszék Dance Ensemble
6. songs from Ghimeș Region – ”Déltől estig…”
– the informants from Ghimeș Regionsing together with the members of Háromszék Dance Ensemble
The recording was made on the Gala of the IV. Traditional Music and Dance Festival.